Welcome to the Yesguest Media Hub

Here you will find relevant press articles and media reports about Yesguest. We are always happy to receive feedback and inquiries.

The Yesguest Documentary 

Everyone starts small – just like Yesguest. See in this short film how we got started. The documentary was created by the wonderful Frederike Hoffer and Johannes Schmitz. They would be happy to help you as well.

Press section 

Visibility is a crucial element for young businesses, helping to build trust with guests and business partners. Here, you can find out what has been reported about Yesguest so far (only in German).

Rosenheimerin / Chiemgauerin, Spring 02/2024, 10. edition (scaned version): Erfolg ist für mich...
OVB Online, 5.11.2023: Priener Gaststätte Schützenwirt wieder geöffnet: Das ist das neue Konzept
Samberberger Nachrichten, 5.11.2023: Priener Schützenwirt wieder geöffnet

If you need press releases or photos for your coverage, feel free to contact me.